Metadata Options

Image Collections Pro – Metadata Options

  • Default options.
  • Collection options.

When you create a new collection default options are copied and saved as collection options.

Check, customize and save the options before processing the metadata.


collection options


Metadata Tags Mapping

You can map metadata tags to image text fields. When metadata is processed tag values are copied to the selected text fields.


Metadata Processing Options

Copy Keywords

Checked: Keywords are extracted from image metadata and copied to Keywords tables .

Unchecked: Keywords are not processed.


Copy GPS data.

Checked: GPS data is copied to GPS table.

Unchecked: GPS data is not processed.


Process only new records.

Checked: Metadata is extracted only from the records not previously processes. This is a default setting.

Unchecked: Metadata is extracted from all records.


Overwrite image text

Checked: Any values in image text fields will be overwritten with metadata values.

Unchecked: If text field has any data it won't be overwritten with metadata values.