Staff List Search – Overview
WordPress Plugin Staff List Search – Overview.
Staff List Search extends the functionality of Staff List Pro by increasing the number of search fields and adding advanced filtering options.
Staff List Pro menus and filters:
- A-Z menu.
- Categories menu.
- Multi Filter (categories and AZ).
Staff List Search filters:
- A-Z filter.
- Categories filter.
- Dropdown filter.
- Text search filter.
Up to six filters can be added to a search form.
To extend search and filtering capabilities, purchase and install plugin extension Staff List Search. Now you can have up to six filters including custom dropdown and free text search.
Staff List Search won’t work in a standalone mode. The Staff List Pro has to be installed and activated.
Staff List Search is not compatible with the free version of the Staff List plugin.
Categories, AZ and Text Search.

Categories and Multi Field Text Search.

Custom Dropdown.
