Multi Filter & Staff List Table

WordPress Plugin Staff List Table with Multi Filter

Flexible search option.

Available with Staff List Pro plugin.
  • Multi Filter – to populate the table with subset of data (category and AZ filters).
  • Staff List Table search box – for drilling down table data. Instantaneous results.

Adding search form to staff list table.

  1. Create and publish Staff List Table.
  2. Create multi filter (Staff List Pro > Multi Filters)
  3. Copy the form shortcode parameter Multi Filter > Options > Shortcode).
  4. Open the page you’ve created in step 1.
  5. Add the shortcode parameter (MTF) to the table shortcode.
  6. Save the page.
  7. Open the page for preview.
Staff List Table displays the menu but all items, layout and other options are created in Staff List Pro.

Shortcode example.

Filter fields – table columns.

Both staff table and multi filter use the same source of data (staff template) but the filter fields don’t have to be part of the table data. When included, the field numbers (Fx) have to match the fields used for the table columns.
Multi Filter > Options > AZ Filter > Field to Search > Field ID = F3
Staff List Table > Table Columns > Table Column > Staff List Field = F3