Field Type – Drop-Down Group
WordPress Plugin Staff List – Field Type – Drop-Down Group
Data entry: Dropdowns.
Output: Comma-delimited list of items and optional static label.
Locations: Loop Campus, South Campus, Evergreen Campus
Loop Campus, South Campus, Evergreen Campus
- You can have up to 12 drop-downs. All of them contain the same list of items.
- Drop-down lists are used for data entry only.
- The field will show up on the page as a comma-separated values.
- Optional static label is displayed inline, before the text.
- The static label won’t show up if field has no data.
Staff Template – Field Options
Input Fields > Drop-Down Group > Field Options#

Static Label
Type the text you want to appear in the label.
- Static label is displayed inline, before the comma delimited list.
- The label won’t show up if field has no data.
- Static label is optional.
Number of Dropdowns
You can have up to 12 drop-downs. All of them contain the same list of items.
Sort Output Alphabetically
Yes/No. You can have comma delimited list sorted alphabetically or not. Sorting may require adding PHP locale for accented characters.
When alphabetical sorting has been selected, you may want to add PHP locale if your drop-down list contains accented characters.
To find out a locale, google: “list of PHP locales”. Example German: de_DE
Staff Template – List Items
Input Fields > Drop-Down Group > List Items#
How to create a Drop-Down List. See field type: Drop-Down.
Staff Template – Custom CSS #
Optional. Enter CSS class name(s) to override the default styles.
- Field Container.
- Field Label.
- Field Text.
Staff Member – Drop-Down Group
Example of how the field type Drop-Down Group is rendered on staff member data entry screen.
