Field Type – Name Multipart
WordPress Plugin Staff List – Field Type – Name Multipart
Recommended for person name or any other kind of multipart data.
- Has five parts.
- All parts are displayed on the same line.
- You can display field parts in any order.
- You can have different order on staff and single pages.
- Each of the field parts can have prefix and suffix (punctuation marks).
- You can filter or search on part of the field.
Staff Template – Field Options
Input Fields > Name – Multipart > Field Options
- (1) Field part number. Field has five parts (1-5).
- (2) Field label. Displayed on data entry screen (above the input box).
- (3) Optional prefix. Displayed on front end, staff page only.
- (4) Optional suffix. Displayed on front end, staff page only.
- (5) Optional prefix. Displayed on front end, single page only.
- (6) Optional suffix. Displayed on front end, single page only.
- (7) Field part display order, staff page. 0 = hidden, content won’t show up.
- (8) Field part display order, single page. 0 = hidden, content won’t show up.
- (9) Field description. Displayed on data entry screen (under the input box).
Field Display Order
You can set up to display parts of the name in any sequence.
You can display parts of the name in different sequence on staff and single pages.
First Last or Last First and so on.
0 = field part won’t be displayed, data entry can be disabled.
1 = field part will be a the first position (start of the string).
2 = field part will show up as a second part of the name.
3 = …
In most cases Post Title or Sort Text field is used to display staff members in a specific order.
When the name parts are not used for ordering, they can be set in any sequence and changed anytime.
Staff Member – data entry screen.
- Field label (2). Identifies what data to enter.
- Field description (9). Provides directions on how the field should be filled out.
Multipart field options Prefix – Suffix.
You can add punctuation marks to each of the field parts. All the options, including separate display order for staff and single pages makes multipart field flexible and well suited for person’s name.
- You can add comma, dash or other punctuation marks to individual field parts.
- Staff page and single page can have different punctuation marks.
- Suffix and prefix are displayed only when linked part of the field has a content.
- By default, filed parts are separated by a single space.
1. No prefix or suffix.
2. Suffix.
Staff page and single page. Different order. Suffix only on staff page.
3. Prefix.
Staff page and single page. Different name parts order. Prefix on both pages.
No prefix when Degree field has no data.
Prefix and Suffix formatting options.
Most of the time the default formatting will provide the required output. There are also a few limited options you can add – mostly extra spaces.
- nbspPrefix Example: nbspX. Extra space before prefix.
- Prefixnbsp Example: Xnbsp. Extra space after prefix.
- nbspSuffix Example: nbspX. Extra space before suffix.
- Suffixnbsp Example: Xnbsp. Extra space after suffix.
- !Suffix Exclamation mark (!). Example: !X or !nbspX. Always show suffix. Overrides the default setting: hide if the field part is the last one.
Create link to a single page.
You can convert plain text (person name) into a hyperlink to a single page.
- Checkbox – checked.
- Template Options > Single Page Options > Show Link – Yes.
- Template Options > Single Page Options > Link Text – empty.
Other settings in Single Page Options will work as expected: Links to Single Page.