Group by first letter A-Z
WordPress Plugin Staff List – Group by first letter A-Z
Displays staff records divided into groups. Live Previews.
Grouping by first letter A-Z
1. Add a group.
Groups > Add Template > Options > Type of Grouping.
- Select Group by first letter A-Z.
- Click Publish.

2. Add letters to group by.
Options > Items > Group Letters

3. Select what field to use for grouping.
Options > Items > Field to group by
- Select both field ID and field type.
- Available field types: Single Line Text, Multipart Field, Sort Text.
- Field type has to match the field number (check your staff template).
- For multipart fields, select what part of the field to use for grouping.
4. Publish and preview.
See: Displaying the Groups.
5. Customize groups layout.
See: Layout Options.