Staff Order – Sort Text Field – Data Entry
WordPress Plugin Staff List – Staff Order – Sort Text Field – Data Entry Options
Sort Text Field – Data Entry Options
Template Options > Staff Order > Sort Text – Data Input Options
- Manual entry.
- Copy from Single Line Text field.
- Copy from Multipart field.
Manual entry
Sort Text data can be typed manually or copied from other fields (auto populated).
For manual option, select manual entry and disregard the rest of this documentation.

Auto populate option
This option is intended only to simplify initial data entry. Do not use it unless you fully understand how it works. In case it won’t behave as expected, disregard it and choose a manual input.
Sometimes you may want to use the same data for sort text and other field. Rather than entering the Sort Text manually, you can set up an option to auto populate it, by passing the data from other fields.
- Data will be copied only when the Sort Text field is empty.
- Updating the staff member record will run the copy process.
- Source and destination fields are not linked. The subsequent edits won’t trigger the update.
- Changing the auto populate settings won’t updated the existing Sort Text values. Only the new records will be affected.
Copy from Single Line Text field.
Field ID. Select the field to copy the data from.
Selected field has to be type of Single Line Text.

Text is copied from selected field when you update the staff member record.

Copy from Multipart field
Works only with Multipart Fields.
Field ID. Select the field to copy the data from.
Field Parts Order. Comma delimited list of field parts. Multipart Field has 5 parts. You can copy them in any order.

Text is copied from selected fields when you update staff member record.
Field parts are arranged by the Field Parts Order.
