Custom Roles – Editor

WordPress Plugin Staff List – Custom Roles – Staff Members Editor

How to Create a Staff Members Editor Role

Required Members plugin or any other plugin to create custom roles.

1. Download and install a free Members plugin.
This plugin changed ownership. The interface and other features may also differ.

2. Create a new role.
  • Users > Add New Role
  • Enter the role name.
  • You can enter any name as long as it is not already defined.
  • Save
3. Grant capabilities.
Grant the following capabilities to the role you’ve created in step 2:
  1. read
  2. edit_staff_member
  3. read_staff_member
  4. read_staff_members
  5. delete_staff_member
  6. edit_staff_members
  7. edit_others_staff_members
  8. publish_staff_members
  9. read_private_staff_members
  10. delete_staff_members
  11. delete_private_staff_members
  12. delete_published_staff_members
  13. delete_others_staff_members
  14. edit_private_staff_members
  15. edit_published_staff_members
  16. manage_staff_categories
  17. assign_staff_categories
4. Add a new user.
  • Users > Add New
  • Fill out all required fields.
  • Role: Select the role you’ve created in step 2.
  • Save
staff list custom role add role
staff list custom role general capabilities
staff list custom role taxonomies capabilities
staff list custom role custom capabilities
staff list custom role add new user